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An American Movement
to Put the Hostages First 

Blue Ribbons for Life uses community action and content to raise American awareness of the hostages held in Gaza and press for their urgent return.









Cause for Global Concern

Citizens of 25 countries were taken on October 7th. As of today, there are hostages in Gaza from 22 nations.


A Glimpse Into
Who They Are

251 people of all ages were kidnapped to Gaza on October 7th, 2023. 4 more were kidnapped previously, for a total of 255.

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U.S. Citizen Hostages

12 US Citizens were taken hostage on Oct. 7th. 8 are still captive. Learn about their lives, family stories and captivity.


Mom Hostages 

41 Mothers, Grandmothers, and Great-Grandmothers were taken on Oct 7. 4 remain in captivity. These are their stories.

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Family Hostages

39 families have multiple members who were taken hostage on Oct 7. Children and parents, husbands and wives, or siblings. Some have been freed, most have not. Here are 4 families' stories.

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Fallen Hostages 

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43 hostages have been confirmed dead and their bodies held for ransom. Here are their stories.

Muslim Hostages

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8 Muslims were kidnapped by Hamas on October 7th — 5 remain in captivity. Learn about their lives, family stories, and captivity.

Sibling Hostages

42 hostages were taken captive alongside a sibling. 12 remain held in Gaza. Learn about their lives and families.

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"No one should have to endure even one day of what they have gone through, much less 100. 


On this terrible day, I again reaffirm my pledge to all the hostages and their families—we are with you. We will never stop working to bring Americans home"

President Joe Biden, January 14, 2024 Statement from President Joe Biden Marking 100 Days of Captivity for Hostages in Gaza

A word from our founders

Our Mission

To raise awareness about the plight of the hostages kidnapped to Gaza on October 7th, 2023.  Babies, children, elderly, women and men were taken, beaten, and held hostage since that day. Many are victims of repeated sexual violence, and lack basic care, food and medicines.


As Americans, we come together and cry against this humanitarian injustice. Our responsibility is to elevate the plight of the hostages and to raise awareness throughout the United States. In every community.  In every home.  Together, we must #BringThemHome.

Blue Ribbons Across the USA

Bows are are being tied in US Senate & House offices and in AZ, CA, FL, MA, MD, NY, OH, & elsewhere -- on trees, posts, fences, door knobs, & car mirrors -- and with permission, at town halls, parks, schools, public transportation, art installations, and houses of worship.

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