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Ruti Munder

Gender: Female

Age when taken: 78

Citizenship: Israel

Occupations: Librarian and Tailor

Hostage status: Redeemed alive on November 24th, 2023, during the 7 Day Ceasefire

More about Ruti:

  • Was kidnapped with her husband, Avraham, daughter, Keren, and grandson, Roee

  • Has 2 children: Keren and Roee

  • Roee was murdered in his home on October 7th

  • Skillful in knitting, painting, and sewing 

  • Shared her experience in a New York Times article that she wrote

Alternate name spelling:

  • Ruth, Ruthy

  • When searching inside sources, an alternate name spelling may be used as shown above

Related Hostages: Avraham Munder, husband, (Captive/Presumed Alive), Ruth Munder, daughter, (Redeemed/Alive), and Ohad Munder, grandson, (Redeemed/Alive)

Date Last Updated: May 5th, 2024

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