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Karina Engel-Bart

Gender: Female

Age when taken: 51

Citizenships: Argentina, Israel

Occupation: Accountant 

Hostage status: Redeemed alive on November 27th, 2023, during the 7 Day Ceasefire

More about Karina:

  • Recently recovered from breast cancer after 2 years of treatments and surgeries

  • Was kidnapped from Kibbutz Nir Oz with Yuval and Mika, her daughters, and Ronen Engel, her husband 

  • Her son, Tom, was away from home on the weekend of October 7th

  • Karina holds her entire family together, and embodies the essence of a lioness

  • She met her husband, Ronen, at a dog park 

  • Makes the tastiest schnitzels

Alternate name spelling:

  • Engel-Bert, Engelbert

  • When searching inside sources, an alternate name spelling may be used as shown above

Related Hostages: Ronen Engel, husband (Captive/Confirmed Deceased), Mika Engel, daughter (Redeemed/Alive), and Yuval Engel, daughter (Redeemed/Alive)

Date Last Updated: May 5th, 2024

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